Innovative approaches to sustainable energy education and climate protection discussed in Valencia

Professor Vaidya presents the Feuchtwangen Campus at the SEED Conference 2024

This year’s SEED conference took place in Valencia, Spain, at the beginning of July. The conference on sustainable energy education (International Conference on Sustainable Energy Education) brought together international experts from science, industry and government. The aim of the conference is to promote innovative approaches to sustainable energy education and climate protection. This was an excellent opportunity to present the Feuchtwangen campus of Ansbach University of Applied Sciences as an important driver for energy and climate protection in semi-urban areas of Germany.

“It was a great opportunity to learn from other global experts and realise that we are all aligned to promote sustainable energy education. My takeaway from the conference is that we need to connect and be creative with all stakeholders to ensure a successful energy transition!” said Prof Dr Haresh Vaidya on his participation.
In his contribution entitled “Energy-Campus Feuchtwangen: Sustainable energy education for supporting decarbonisation in semi-urban areas”, he presented the Energy Campus Feuchtwangen as a knowledge centre for supporting decarbonisation both regionally and globally and positioned itself as a competent partner in sustainable energy education and decarbonisation.

The conference emphasised the importance of education and awareness for climate protection. Methods of improving professional practice through regional co-operation and accelerating the transition to sustainable energy systems were discussed. Special emphasis was placed on promoting exchanges between universities, industry and authorities to strengthen energy education and develop innovative teaching methods.
Participants had the opportunity to expand their knowledge in various lectures, workshops and discussion panels and to share current research findings and best practices. Another aim of the conference was to build networks and strengthen collaborations to support joint projects and initiatives in the field of sustainable energy education and climate protection.

Overall, the SEED conference provided a valuable platform for the exchange of ideas and the promotion of international co-operation in the field of sustainable energy education with the overall aim of making a significant contribution to global climate protection.

Teilnehmer auf der internationalen Konferenz zum Thema nachhaltige Energiebildung SEED: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Haresh Vaidya.