Lecture with a difference: Feuchtwangen’s real-laboratory
Lecture with a difference: Feuchtwangen's real-laboratory New rooms, new opportunities: After the lecture rooms on the grounds of the Bayerische BauAkademie were unavailable for the last two weeks, the lectures of the SES [...]
How do I apply to the German job market?
How do I apply to the German job market? Application Seminar for International SES Students Writing applications - probably no one likes to do that. You should come across as good [...]
Excursion to the Reallabor Campus Feuchtwangen
Excursion to the Reallabor Campus Feuchtwangen Students visit technology and inform themselves on site Experience technology live and make physics tangible - around 30 students from Ansbach University of Applied Sciences from [...]
Working at the Feuchtwangen Campus: Our Team
Working at the Feuchtwangen Campus: Our Team Students support the team on campus Like Jana Bresch, Sophie Otten has been supporting us as a student assistant in the areas of social media [...]
Digital weatherman for the campus
Digital weatherman for the campus Precise weather data for building services and drone flights A professional weather station has been installed on the roof of the research hall at the Feuchtwangen [...]
Working at the Campus Feuchtwangen: Our Team
Working at the Campus Feuchtwangen: Our Team Students support the team on campus Since the end of the summer semester 2021, Jana Bresch and Sophie Otten have been supporting us as student [...]
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