Three semesters to a Master’s degree in “Smart Energy Systems”
Three semesters to a Master's degree in "Smart Energy Systems" Aufbau und Inhalt des Masterstudiengangs am Campus Feuchtwangen With more than 100 admissions granted for the Master's programme Smart Energy Systems [...]
Becoming a sustainability engineer and energy efficiency expert
Becoming a sustainability engineer and energy efficiency expert „The topic of sustainability is important and on everyone's lips, but it is not really given much attention by engineers in the current working world. [...]
Cooperation between the Bavarian Drone Academy and Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences
Cooperation between the Bavarian Drone Academy and Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences The Bavarian Drone Academy Ansbach (BDAN) is not only responsible for the training and licensing of drone pilots. The exchange [...]
Very great interest in the new master’s programme SES
Very great interest in the new master's programme SES The application deadline for the international master’s programme Smart Energy Systems (SES) at Campus Feuchtwangen of Ansbach University of Applied Sciences directed by [...]
Apply! Now!
Apply! Now! Be part of shaping future-oriented building technology and apply for the Sustainable Engineering (NIW) degree programme by 30.09.2021! The basic studies take place in Ansbach. Later, in the advanced phase, [...]
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